Wednesday, October 19, 2016


The following Scriptures from the Book of Job are stern warnings to all the rich men and women, who are the famous, the influentials, and the powerfuls in this world. These include the religious leaders, the politicians, the businessmen, the entertainment and sports celebrities, the corporate CEO's and executives, the professors, the scientists, engineers, or just anybody who became arrogant because of their "success" in this world.

If you belong to the above group, you better watch out for yourself, that the riches, fame, and power given to you in this world do not direct you to wickedness and abuse of your fellow human being, especially the poor and the weak. Otherwise, GOD will put you into much sufferings, shame, and destruction, in this world, and especially in the world to come.



The following Scriptures are from Chapter 20 of the Book of Job, based on the Modern King James Version (MKJV).

5 Do you know this from days of old, from the setting of man on earth, that the exulting of the wicked is short, and the joy of the ungodly is for a moment?

6 Though his excellency mounts up to the heavens, and his head reaches to the clouds,
7 he shall perish forever like his DUNG; they who see him shall say, Where is he?

8 He flies away like a dream, and shall not be found, and shall be chased away like a vision of the night.

9 An eye glimpsed him, but will not again; yea, his place shall not see him again.

10 His sons shall seek to please the poor, and his hands shall restore his wealth.

COMMENT: His children shall seek to please the poor, while his own hands shall restore them their goods with shame (Job 20:18): That which he laboured for, by all the arts of oppression, shall he restore, and shall not so swallow it down as to digest it; it shall not stay with him, but according to his shame shall the restitution be; having gotten a great deal unjustly, he shall restore a great deal, so that when every one has his own he will have but little left for himself.

To be made to restore what was unjustly gotten, by the sanctifying grace of God, as Zaccheus was, is a great mercy; he voluntarily and cheerfully restored four-fold, and yet had a great deal left to give to the poor, Luke19:8. But to be forced to restore, as Judas was, merely by the horrors of a despairing conscience, has none of that benefit and comfort attending it, for he threw down the pieces of silver and went and hanged himself. (2.) He shall be stripped of all he has and become a beggar. He that spoiled others shall himself be spoiled (Isa 33:1); for every hand of the wicked shall be upon him.

The innocent, whom he has wronged, sit down by their loss, saying, as David, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked, but my hand shall not be upon him, 1Sa 24:13. But though they have forgiven him, though they will make no reprisals, divine justice will, and often makes the wicked to avenge the quarrel of the righteous, and squeezes and crushes one bad man by the hand of another upon him. Thus, when he is plucked on all sides, he shall not save of that which he desired (Job 20:20), not only he shall not save it all, but he shall save nothing of it. There shall none of his meat (which he coveted so much, and fed upon with so much pleasure) be left, Job 20:21.

All his neighbours and relations shall look upon him to be in such bad circumstances that, when he is dead, no man shall look for his goods, none of his kindred shall expect to be a penny the better for him, nor be willing to take out letters of administration for what he leaves behind him. -- Matthew Henry

11 His bones are full of his youthful vigor, but it lies down with him in the dust.

12 Though wickedness is sweet in his mouth, though he hides it under his tongue;

13 though he spares it and will not leave it; yea, keeps it still in his mouth;

14 yet his food in his belly shall be turned; the gall of asps is within him.

15 He swallows riches, but vomits it; God shall cast them out of his belly.

COMMENT: The love of the world and the wealth of it. It is in worldly wealth that he places his happiness, and therefore he sets his heart upon it. See here, how greedy he is of it (Job 20:15): He has swallowed down riches as eagerly as ever a hungry man swallowed down meat; and is still crying, "Give, give." It is that which he desired (Job 20:20); it was, in his eye, the best gift, and that which he coveted earnestly.

What pains he takes for it: It is that which he laboured for (Job 20:18), not by honest diligence in a lawful calling, but by an unwearied prosecution of all ways and methods, per fas, per nefas - right or wrong, to be rich.

We must labour, not to be rich (Pro 23:4), but to be charitable, that we may have to give (Eph 4:28), not to spend.

What great things he promises himself from it, intimated in the rivers, the floods, the brooks of honey and butter (Job 20:17); his being disappointed of them supposes that he had flattered himself with the hopes of them: he expected rivers of sensual delights. -- Matthew Henry

16 He shall suck the poison of asps; the viper's tongue shall slay him.

17 He shall not see the rivers, the flowings of the brooks of honey and butter,

18 giving back his gain, and he will not eat. As to the wealth of his trading, even he shall not enjoy it.

19 For he pressed down and forsook the poor; he stole a house, but he had not built it.

COMMENT: Violence and oppression, and injustice in his poor neighbours, Job 20:19. This was the sin of the giants of the old world, and a sin that, as much as any, brings God's judgments upon nations and families. It is charged upon this wicked man,

That he has forsaken the poor, taken no care of them, shown no kindness to them, nor made any provision for them. At first perhaps, for a pretence, he gave alms like the Pharisees, to gain a reputation; but, when he had served his turn by this practice, he left it off, and forsook the poor, whom before he seemed to be concerned for. Those who do good, but not from a good principle, though they may abound in it, will not abide in it.

That he has oppressed them, crushed them, taken all advantages against them to do them a mischief. To enrich himself, he has robbed the spital, and made the poor poorer.

That he has violently taken away their houses, which he had no right to, as Ahab took Naboth's vineyard, not by secret fraud, by forgery, perjury, or some trick in law, but avowedly, and by open violence. -- Matthew Henry

20 Surely he shall not know quietness in his belly; he will not escape with the things of desire.

21 None of his food shall be left; therefore his good will not last.

22 In the fullness of his plenty he shall be in trouble; every wretched one shall come on him.

23 It shall happen at the filling of his belly, God shall cast the fury of His wrath on him, and He shall rain on him while he is eating.

24 He shall flee from the iron weapon, a bow of bronze shall pierce him.

25 One draws it, and treads it from behind, even lightning from his gall; terror is on him.

26 All darkness shall be hidden in his secret places; a fire not blown shall consume him; those left in his tent shall be broken.

27 The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, and the earth rise up against him.

28 The increase of his house shall depart, and shall flow away in the day of his wrath.

29 This is the portion of a wicked man from God, and the inheritance of his word from God.



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